Basil improves our mood.
Yoga reduces stress.
Blueberries are powerful antioxidants, which slow the aging process.
Carrots contain B carotene, potassium, vitamin A and antioxidants (nutrients that are good for our health).
We’ve always heard “eat your brussels sprouts”...and it’s true!
Your liver loves onions.
Eggs contain B vitamins, protein, zinc, iron, selenium and vitamin D.
The liver loves beets.
There’s a lot of vitamin C (and other nutrients) in this picture!
A mug of bone broth and a coconut curry strew. Good for you and yum!
Avocados are a superfood. Healthy fat, B vitamins, magnesium…
Blueberry smoothie. You can’t go wrong.
Dark leafy greens are full of B vitamins for energy as well as magnesium (the calming mineral) which 80% of us are deficient in.
Beets n leeks. Your body loves ‘em. Don’t forget to eat the beet greens!
Vitamin D from the sun strengthens your immune system. Low vitamin D levels are associated with autoimmune disease.
Dance like no one is watching.
I can’t live in the Okanagan and not include a photo of grapes!
Include healthy fats like olive oil, avocado oil and coconut oil.
Shop at local farmer’s markets.
Time in nature is energizing.
Kale is a superfood. Can you find ways to get in 3 cups/day?
Digestion is improved when we are in a relaxed state.
Green juices are great when detoxing.
Monitor your thoughts. Mindfulness encourages healing.
Healthy relationships are associated with long lasting health.
Are you constantly ‘doing’ or do you take time to stop and just ‘be’…..
If you know me well, you know my kale salad. Kale, lemon juice, avocado oil, salt, pepper, maple syrup and toasted almonds or roasted chickpeas.
Introverts need time to recharge their batteries.
Arugula, onions, lamb, raspberries…
Help others only after your own cup is full. How full is your cup? (lets pretend this is dark chocolate without much sugar)
Arugula, balsamic, prawn, blueberries, goat cheese and something red..
The beach chair is waiting for you. Take time for vacations or staycations.
Enjoying a fresh cup of coffee is good. NEEDING multiple cups to function, may be a different story…
Cruciferous veggies like cabbage help the body to detoxify.
Quality essential oils can support good health.
Spend time doing things that recharge you.
Garlic feeds the good gut bugs in our gut and kills the bad. The good bugs improve our health and the bad bugs worsen our health.
Are you spending time in nature?
Kiwi has more vitamin C than an apple.
Get your carbohydrates from colourful vegetables.
If you want to feel and look like a rainbow, then eat the rainbow!
You can’t go wrong with roasted root veggies!
Dark leafy greens reduce inflammation, associated with most disease.
Eggs and avocados have healthy fats that keep us full.
Almonds are high in calcium, which strengthens our bones.
Lemon water is cleansing, alkalinizing and detoxifying.
Wild salmon contains omega 3’s which reduce inflammation and are good for the nervous system. Make sure it’s wild and not farmed salmon.
Berries are great for our health.
Do you find time for fun?
Your liver loves lemons (and its really important to be nice to your liver).
Stay the course. Step by step. One day you’ll look back and realize that you’ve climbed a mountain!